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The Rio Trio
1920s and 30s Music - Dancing and Background Music
Are you tired of parties where the strident music drowns the gentle art of conversation? Do you yearn for the days when popular music had tunes you could whistle and words that were witty and romantic? Do you prefer Fred and Ginger to Kanye West and Beyoncé? The Rio Trio performs the music of the 1920’s and ’30’s, but what distinguishes this band is versatility and an ability to sound bigger than it really is when needed. Our crooner doubles on hot clarinet, our jazz guitarist also plays banjo and the mighty sousaphone is featured alongside gentle double bass.
S'wonderful - The Rio Trio
Everybody Loves My Baby
The Rio Trio & Guests
Great Gatsby Party:
Richard Pite, Wayne McIntyre, Mike Henry,
Martin Wheatley, Richard White​